1. Categories of Personal Data processed
    The personal information we collect and process, as a result of your contact via email or electronically through our WEB portal, are the following: personal data, only if expressly provided and authorized by you, via an electronic reservation or purchase form: name and surname, telephone number, email (we do not process data regarding online payments that are managed by the PayPal Partner).
  2. Purpose of the treatment.
    The Personal Data you have made available to Officina del Gusto di Tripepi Giuseppina may be used for the following purposes:
    1. reply to your explicit requests and communications;
    2. management of customer bookings in case of use of the booking service from our website;
    3. management of customer purchases in case of use of the online shopping service from our website.
    With reference to the aforementioned "Purposes of Processing", it is specified that:
    1. for the purposes referred to in point (a), the processing is performed upon your conferment and consent to the processing of your personal data. The provision of your personal data and consent to their processing are necessary requirements to provide feedback; in case of failure to provide or your refusal to provide consent, this confirmation can not take place.
    2. for the purposes referred to in point (b), the processing is carried out upon your conferment and consent to the processing of your personal data. The provision of your personal data and consent to their processing are necessary for the provision of the reservation service indicated in point (b), which can not be otherwise provided.
    3. for the purposes referred to in point (c), the processing is carried out upon your conferment and consent to the processing of your personal data. The provision of your personal data and consent to their processing are necessary to complete the purchase indicated in point (c), which can not be otherwise carried out.
  3. Method of treatment
    The processing of your Personal Data will be carried out by means of suitable paper, electronic and / or telematic means, with logic strictly related to the aforementioned purposes and, in any case, in such a way as to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the Data.
  4. Recipients or Categories of recipients of Personal Data
    Members, the Data Protection Officer, and, in any case, the Data Processors and Persons in charge of the processing of Personal Data appointed by the company in the performance of their duties may be aware of your Personal Data.
  5. Duration of treatment and criteria used for the storage of Personal Data
    Personal data will be kept for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected, in accordance with the purposes indicated above. As soon as the personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected, Officina del Gusto di Tripepi Giuseppina provides for their elimination, unless the law provides for storage obligations or that the user has not consented to the treatment for a longer time or to store them.
  6. Rights of the interested party
    We inform you that at any time in relation to your data, you may exercise the rights provided within the limits and conditions set forth in articles 7 and 15-22 of the Rules. For the exercise of these rights, described below, please contact the Data Controller through the email address; this request will be provided with appropriate feedback according to the timing established by the GDPR.
    In detail, the interested party has the right to:
    1. revoke the consent previously given, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the treatment based on consent before revocation;
    2. ask the Data Controller to access, correct or delete (so-called "right to be forgotten") Personal Data or limit the processing of personal data concerning him or to oppose their processing;
    3. obtain data portability;
    4. to file a complaint with the Data Protection Authority if it deems that its rights have been violated.
  7. Data Controller, Data Processors and Person in Charge of Personal Data Protection
    The owner of the processing of your data is: Officina del Gusto di Tripepi Giuseppina, with registered office Via Placido Geraci, 17-19 89128 Reggio Calabria (RC), VAT number: 02247170802, in the person of the Legal Representative. Any request relating to personal data processed by Officina del Gusto di Tripepi Giuseppina may be sent to the Company's headquarters, or by writing to the e-mail address The updated list of persons appointed as Responsible pursuant to article 28 of the GDPR is available at the Company and is knowable through a specific request formulated in the manner indicated above. The contact of the Personal Data Protection Manager of Officina del Gusto di Tripepi Giuseppina is
The holder of the treatment: Officina del Gusto di Tripepi Giuseppina


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